Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making some progress

Over the past week we got some more firm numbers from the lender that we were having doubts about and he was very honest and told us that we should "take the other offer and run!" He said that he hasn't seen a conventional 90% financing construction loan in years and if we had one offered to us that we should take it immediately. So we met with the lender offering this loan this morning and filled out the official loan application. After running some numbers he feels there will be no issues obtaining this loan.

After this meeting we met with the builder and finally started working on the floor plans. He is going to take them to his designers over the next few days and see what they think. I've already alterred the plan we decided on today 3 different ways and submitted them to the builder since he left this afternoon! We are excited about one of the changes to the layout that I made, but are hoping it fits into the budget since it added a small extension off the back of the house to add a "breakfast room."

Glad we are making some progress! The builder wants to meet again next week since we can't get together over the next several work schedule is a little different since I work in the ER. We can't wait to get out of this condo and are ecstatic not to have to spend another winter here. It is almost as cold in this place as it has been outside (in the teens and 20s this past week). Alright, so it isn't that bad, but I've lived in cheap apartments that were older than this that weren't nearly as drafty. You cannot walk around here without being bundled up. On top of that, the circuit breaker keeps tripping almost every other day on the furnace. The landlord had us call a repair guy who came out, charged the poor lady $200 and couldn't find a thing wrong...that's useful.

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