Saturday, March 9, 2013

Never knew how impatient we were!

Nothing exciting to report right now...just filling some time while we continue waiting! Our builder called yesterday and the lender who originally said "March 11th will be the latest closing date for the construction loan " has pushed it back." We do not know when yet. We hope to know more Monday. Supposedly they still think we will get it done this coming week. The appraiser is backed up and seems to be taking his sweet time! The builder and our realtor said that I shouldn't be surprised because closing is almost always pushed back. Doesn't make waiting any easier though!

The builder says he still has things scheduled to be delivered this coming Wednesday and that they will have it surveyed and staked out "early this coming week." We got about 5" of snow this past Wednesday, which for Northern Kentucky is a moderate sized snow storm. You should see the way these people panic around here at the mention of a is kind of sad! Fortunately, yesterday and today have been near 50 degrees and it is all gone. Now we just need it not to rain for the forseeable future so things dry up!

In the mean time, I've been dreaming up my "man cave" in the basement. I've decided that I will most likely be getting a projector and having a nice, big screen down there for sporting events/movies. We are pretty excited about that and hope it will attract some of our friends to come over more. We also look forward to having a better space to have family over more. We've noticed over the past few years that everyone (our friends and us) seems to be going their own way and we rarely hang out with people anymore.  This growing up thing and having big kid jobs is not cool.

Hope to have more news on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Oh my goodness - we can relate completely! Between delays in the sale of our home, delays with the architectural committee within our subdivision, delays on permits at the Village, and weather delays, we've experienced it all. Can't wait to hear news that you've closed and broken ground!

  2. Yeah, I've heard that we better get used to delays, lol. We started 1.5 months earlier than we were originally going to in case things get behind. Since we aren't even at day 1 and already are delayed, it looks like that was a good call!

  3. We are still waiting...just thought I'd add a comment instead of making a whole new post complaining that we are still in the dark. They still haven't even given us the next supposed closing date...I just don't get it. I've talked to some friends and family and they all say that closing never goes on time, so I guess this is normal. I suppose the thing that frustrates me is that in my field of work, if you tell someone you are going to have something done at a certain time, you get it done. There is no question about it and you stay until the work is done. I feel like these loan processors just have the attitude of "Oh well, I didn't get to that file today...maybe tomorrow...if I get the chance...but probably not." Our loan is straight forward and it really should only take them looking over it real quick and giving the OK to close. Thanks to my work schedule, the earliest date will will be able to close is now next Wednesday. And that is only if they have their act together by then and give it the go ahead. Annoyed...but I've been warned to get used to it, so I shouldn't be surprised!
