Thursday, April 4, 2013


We are now officially 3 days in and seeing some progress. However, after tomorrow it is supposed to rain and he said next week could be slow going as far as progress goes. But hey, at least we are started! They dug the basement out, cleared out some of the brush/overgrowth from the back of the property, and poured the footers today. I know we aren't building a huge house for our first home, but when I saw the footers I was kind of suprised. We both thought it looked kind of small. When I talked with our builder today, I started with "So when we saw the..." and then he cut me off and he said, "I know exactly what you are about to say! And no, it isn't as small as it looks. This is the first thing almost every client says to a builder once this gets going...I promise." I believe him since I literally didn't even get to say that we thought it looked a little smaller than what we were thinking.

Here is a look at the progress:

Coolest hole in the ground I've ever seen...

There were a few of these trees near the back of the property that I requested they not take far so good. The builders dad knows a lot about trees and thinks they are wild pears.

Footers are in

Tomorrow they will poor the gravel. Then he said if the weather does what it says it might, he probably won't get to the walls at least until Wednesday next week. Sucks, but I'd rather they do it right and not rush it.

On a side note, I've now met the couple that lives next door and a neighbor from across the street. They are all our age and very nice! I think we will get along great with them. We are all huge Reds and Bengals fans and are already planning for get togethers for the games and bonfires this summer! We could really use a few new friends and I hope these neighbors are the answer.

That's all for now!


  1. Awesome! Congrats on getting ground broke can only go up from here. Oh .... and Go Steelers;-)

  2. Steelers...I may have to stop following your blog! Just playing. As I tell the many Steelers fans around here, life is tough being a Cincinnati sports fan, the Steelers are a solid organization and I can't even trash talk them because they've done it right. Hopefully some time in my lifetime the Brown family will be exiled from the Bengals organization...they know nothing!
